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The right ordering of Bees

geſſe) boare abother bigge hole, that ye may wel put in a ſmoke of Brimſtone to them, whiche may ſo cauſe all the Bees to fly out at their hole into the Hiue, ſet ouer the mouth of it. For no better deuiſe or inuētion can be had in this matter, than by ſuch a ſmoake made. If the ſame hollowe tree be ſo thinne, that it may eaſily be ſawed aſunder, then with a ſharpe ſawe lette that hollowe parte be cutte aſunder, bothe aboue and beneath, and after couering it with a cleane ſhæte, carrie the ſwarme home, which at euening couer with a newe Hiue ſprinckled with water and honny mixed togither. For ſo they will tarrye the willinglier, being all ſhaken forth of the body of the tree, and couered with the Hiue. Beſides the hearbe Mugworte (whiche the Bees by a naturall hatred do abhorre) doth chaſe them with the onely ſmell from place to place.

¶Which are the beſt and fitteſt Hiues for the Honny Bees. Cap. xvj.

PAlladivs writeth, that the beſt Hiues be thoſe, which be made of the barkes and light corke of trees, bicauſe they be neither too colde in the Winter time, nor too hote in the Sommer. And of this, thoſe Hiues whiche be wroughte and made of the ſmall Oſier or Willow tree, or of the Uine ſtickes knit togither, or Canes cleft in the middes (whiche be of like condition to the barke) wroughte cloſe togither, and ſtopped cloſe aboute wyth flockes and clay, tempered togither with water and ſalte, may aptly ſerue, if you will. But if neither of thoſe faſhioned Hiues like you, then may you make the Hiues of the woodde of a hollowe tree, or of light bourdes made ſquare, and ſtowpyng ſomewhat afore. The worſte Hiues be thoſe, which be made of turfes of earth, bycauſe they be ouer hote in the Sommer, and ouer colde in the Winter. There be other two kinds of hiues, as the one made of drie hard Cow dung, and the other of tiles. Of whiche the one doth Celſus rightly condemne, bycauſe the ſame is ſo lightly burned, and the other he alloweth, althoughe he diſſembleth the ſpeciall commoditie of it, bycause the ſame,

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