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The right ordering of Bees

if any happeneth to be ſtinged by a Scorpion, that he ſhall neuer after be ſtinged of any Bees, but yet being ſtinged, he teacheth to drinke the iuyce of Hearbe-grace and Rue mixed with wine, and to lay the leaues alſo in plaiſter forme on the ſtinged placed. In the 21. booke he writeth ye like, that bees ſtings are by nature venomous, againſt ye which be teacheth to take & vſe the iuyce of Mallowes, or the iuyce of Iuie leaues, and to annoint eyther of the two, on the ſtinged places, as a ſouerain remedy. And in the 23. booke, he teacheth wyne for a remedy, as boyled with bay leaues, and after drunke. In the 24. booke he teacheth to take a drop of that molten, whiche the honny Bees make at the entrye of the Hiue, to be a like remedy, as of the water Bezoar to be vſed againſt venemous bittes. Auicen in his ſeconde rule teacheth, that the decoction of the March Mallowes wyth vineger or wine, and the ſame anoynted on the ſtinged places, to be a perfit remedie.

Whiche alſo in his fouth rule affirmeth, that the Honnye Bee hath like diſpoſition to the waſpe, ſauing that they leaue their ſtings behinde thē: wherefore for remedie of ye waſps, you may vſe thoſe which we haue afore taught againſte the ſtings of Bees.

¶VVhen and howe, the Hiues ought to be gelded. Cap. xxiij.

PAlladius Rutilius in his firſt booke teacheth, that the hiues of Bees ought not to be gelded, before you will conſider and ſee whether they be rype, vnto the comming of the true Honny, whyche in a manner (as hee teacheth) commeth to vſe in the moneth of June, or as others affirme, in the ende of Auguſte, vnto the midle of September.

Now there be certaine notes and tokens, by whych we trye and fynde out the ripeneſſe of them, whiche be theſe, firſte if the hiues be ful, then do the Honny Bees driue forth the ydle drone Bees out of the Hiues, and there is alſo hearde within a ſmall or ſhrill humming of the Bees for that the emptie cottages of
