Page:A profitable instruction of the perfite ordering of Bees.djvu/64

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The right ordering of Bees

¶Another waye of drawing the Oyle of Waxe moſte noble, and doth maruelouſly help the cold Goute, the Sciaticke, the ſwelling of the legs, and al other griefes proceeding of a colde cauſe. Cap. xlj.

TAke of pure newe waxe ſo muche as you pleaſe, which put into a panne ouer the fire to melte, and being molten, haue by you in a readineſſe another panne well glaſed, and cleane within, filled with verie good and perfecte wine, into whiche poure youre molten waxe, letting it ſoake and drinke in well, and waſhe often in the ſaide wine. After this take the waxe forth, melting it againe ouer the fire, and molten, waſhe the ſame againe in the beſte wine, ſo that euerie time melting the waxe, poure it into freſhe new wine, waſhing and ſoaking it in the ſame diligently, after wringing it very wet with the hands. And vſed on this wiſe, both melt and waſhe againe in the aboue ſaide manner, and this alſo do for eighte times togither. Then ſet the ſame forth, being a cleare ſeaſon and ayre, all the nighte throughe, after which put the waxe into a Retorte with a little of Mumia, and oyle of Ypericon or Saint Johns wort, and a little olde Oyle: and although without theſe it maye doe good, yet mixed with theſe it worketh farre better, than vſed alone.

Nowe to retourne to the former matter, this crooked bodye or Retorte ſet in fine ſifted aſhes, and a gentle fire made vnder it, vntill all the oyle do runne forth, and in this comming forth of the oile, ſhall appeare all the foure Elements, as Ayre, Water, Earth and Fyre, whiche will orderly appeare in the receiuer, right maruellous to ſee. And the Oyle being thus fullye drawne, worketh miraculouſlye in all diſeaſes which proceed of a colde cauſe, like as we haue aboue taught.
