Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 2).djvu/371

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Fig. 709. Sword of state of the Earldom of Chester (1471-1483)

British Museum

Over two hundred and twenty years elapse, and in 1615 the sword is again mentioned in a treasurer's account: "To Noke, for making cleane the Twoe hande Sworde whiche hangith by K: Edward the 3: picture." Of late years this sword has been subjected to another rigorous but this time ill-advised cleaning, which has removed the only feature that could have recommended it from an aesthetic point of view—its patina of age. A grip covered with leather has also been added. The association of the sword with the reign of King Edward III can safely be accepted, as its provenance is well attested and its construction answers to the period. It will be noticed that