Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 3).djvu/192

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appeared. We can record a chanfron of about 1350 from a miniature in the Hofbibliothek, Munich: there it is represented as large and complete with openings for the eyes and ears and with a cusped ridge down the forehead (Fig. 952). In a similar form it is shown, along with the other horse armour, in the miniature from the Add. MSS. 15477—a volume with illuminations of somewhat later date than the one last mentioned, but more interesting inasmuch as the illustrations are coloured, and afford indications that the chanfrons are of leather, painted brown with gilded edges and rivets. The neck chain armour is shown as grey—its natural steel colour. The charger of the more distant knight in the illumination wears the crinet as well as the chanfron (Fig. 953); while rectangular plates, also from their colour apparently of cuir bouilli, hang over the flanks and shoulders of the steeds, a circumstance which reminds us that as early as 1347 a leathern breast-piece for a horse is mentioned in a will—that of the Earl of Surrey (York Wills, p. 43): Jeo devys a Monsire Robert de Holande les quissers ove le picer de quir qui sount pour mon destrer.

Fig. 954

Fig. 955


Front view and in profile. About 1370 G 578, Musée d'Artillerie, Paris After Viollet-le-Duc

Fig. 956. Carved ivory chessman

About 1370. Formerly in the collection of the Rev. J. Eagles

There is in the Musée d'Artillerie of Paris an interesting chanfron, G 578, which in the official catalogue is assigned to the end of the XIVth century. It is made of many layers of parchment which doubtless, when wet,