Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 3).djvu/222

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Fig. 989. Verrocchio's equestrian statue of Bartolommeo Colleoni, Venice

Cast by Leopardi about 1476

  • mainder of the armour. Possibly greater interest attaches to that fine example

of horse armour, of almost the same period, the third quarter of the XVth century, which is to be seen in the Wallace Collection, No. 620 (Fig. 988); for, although lacking its flanchards and portions of its croupière, it is entirely genuine and almost free from restoration. We append a detailed account of the plates. The chanfron is large and unusually complete, having double-hinged cheek-pieces; a curved projecting plate above the nostrils is embossed and overlaid with brass or latten in the semblance of a grotesque face. The ear-guards are tubular and bordered with latten. In the centre