Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 3).djvu/32

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958. Relief, showing Henry V mounted, his horse armed with a chanfron,
about 1415.
From the Henry V Chantry Chapel, Westminster Abbey 152

959. From a miniature. From Hystoire de Roys de France après Philippe III, etc.
Royal MS., 20, C, vii, folio 136 152

960. Chanfron, late XIVth or early XVth century. The Arsenal, Venice 153

961. From a miniature from a MS. of the Poems of Christine de Pisan,
about 1420.
Harleian MSS., 4431, folio 114 154

962. Stirrup (the tread missing), about 1440. London Museum 154

963a. Saddle hanging over the tomb of King Henry V' in his Chantry
Chapel at the Abbey Church of Westminster.
Full profile view 155

963b. Saddle hanging over the tomb of King Henry V. Three-quarter view
right 157

963c. Saddle hanging over the tomb of King Henry V. Three-quarter view
left 159

964. From the tomb of Bernabo Visconti. Castle of Milan 160

965. Bit, gilt bronze, and enriched with champlevé enamel, middle of the
XIVth century.
Metropolitan Museum, New York 161

966. Snaffle bit, possibly late XIIIth century. Collection: Sir H. Farnham
Burke, K.C.V.O. 162

967. Bit, gilded iron, set with coloured stones, supposed to have belonged
to Louis XI, but in the author's opinion it is late XVIth century.

Museum of the town of Bourges 162

968. Pryke spurs of the XIIIth century in the London Museum 163

969. One of two legs from a brass, early XIIIth century, showing
the mail chausse and rowel spur.
Wallace Collection (Laking Catalogue,
Nos. 12, 13) 164

970. Rowel spurs. (a) Gilded bronze, late XIVth century, found in London.
London Museum; (b) Gilded iron, late XIVth century, found in London.
London Museum; (c) Bronze, early XVth century, found near Florence.
Collection: Author 165

971. Gilded bronze rowel spur, enamelled with chequering of black and
white, late XIVth century.
Collection: Author 166

971A. Companion spur to that illustrated in fig. 971. The Riggs Collection,
Metropolitan Museum, New York 166

972. Pair of gilded bronze rowel spurs, engraved with the word
"Esperance" in a form of garter, late XIVth century.
Found in
the moat of the Château du Bouchat, near St. Dourçain-sur-Sioule
(Allier). Collection: Author 167