Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 3).djvu/380

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for the attribution, nor have we, despite very careful research, been able to ascertain from what source he obtained the information.

Fig. 1086. Half suit of armour (incomplete)

Italian, in a later style of Lucio Picinino of Milan, about 1580 Wallace Collection (Laking Catalogue, No. 473)

There are also to be seen in the Wallace Collection, No. 473 (Fig. 1086), portions of another half suit of armour of almost the same model, and doubtless from the workshops of Picinino. This, like the last suit, was in the collection of Sir Samuel Meyrick, who describes it, but on what authority we are at a loss to know, as a half suit of armour, "which belonged to an officer of the guard of Cosimo de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, the tone of colour being a light black." Ninety years of cleaning have brought it to its present unpleasant leaden colour, and have produced the semi-brightened surface it now presents. Despite the most minute examination, it shows not the slightest traces of gold enrichment of any kind; so we may consider that if it left the workshops of Lucio Picinino, it did so as a suit of a quality inferior to that of those we have just described.

A breastplate, which is the work of Lucio, and is as fine as that to be seen on the first of the Wallace half suits, is in the collection of Mr. D. M.