Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 4).djvu/247

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and, at the same time, sumptuous effect that mark the work of the great Negroli family.

In the famous Inventario Iluminado it figures among the eight grouped together on one plate, which are described as doze rodelas. As there are no more than eight drawn, it is evident that a leaf containing the other four is missing. In the Relación de Valladolid, the translation of the description runs "one damascened buckler, black ground, and in the middle a face with some black snakes and gilded edges, garnished with black velvet."

Fig. 1296. Shield

Made for Charles V, 1541. Signed: PHILIPP . JACOBI . ET . F . NEGROLI D 64, Royal Armoury, Madrid

The work of the brothers Negroli is very distinctive. If one examines closely the productions of other great armourer-artists, one finds that their