Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 4).djvu/252

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Fig. 1299. Shield

The work of Lucio Picinino. Wallace Collection (Laking Catalogue, No. 632)

almost hold its own with any earlier example of the embosser's art. As in the case of the morion illustrated ante, Fig. 1275, a particular school of inlay can be recognized, and we venture to think that it can only be ascribed to Picinino and to be the work of his best period; his hand, too, can be seen in the characteristic treatment of the draperies and figure subjects. This shield was, in 1786, in the collection of Gustavus Brander of Christchurch, Hants. It had previously been in the possession of a Dr. Ward, who purchased it in Italy for five hundred pounds—a truly