Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 4).djvu/77

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realme of England before his highnesse, or lieutenant by his commandement or license, had from this time forth, reserving alwaies to the Queene and to the ladyes present, the attribution and gifte of the prize to be attributed for their merites and demerites according to the articles ensueinge." Among the rules is one relating to the "forbidden gauntlet," though naturally having reference to a gauntlet of the XVth century type: "Item, he that shall have a close guantlett or any thinge to fasten his sworde to his hands, shall have no prize."

Fig. 1129. "Sr Henry Lee, Mr of Tharmerie" (second suit)

No. 20 in the Jacobe MS. The drawing shows the close helmet in the Tower and the leg armour at Stockholm

There are many manuscript copies of this ordinance extant, and of these there is one in the Heralds College Library, apparently of the time of Queen Elizabeth; it is marked "M. 6." The Ordinance and Rules have been reprinted in Cripps-Day's The Tournament, Appendix IV, p. xxvii. There exists in the Nordeska Museum, Stockholm, a late XVIIth century portrait