Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 5).djvu/195

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suffrages & obsequies to be done & ministered for my soul . . . my sword, helmet, with the crest upon the head & my coat of arms to be hanged over my tomb & there to remain for ever."

Cf. J. C. Cox, "Derbyshire Churches," i, p. 167; Bloxam, "Fragmenta Sepulchralia," p. 118.

HARTINGTON. (St. Giles.)

[Communicated by Mr. W. H. Fenton, J. P.]

A pair of gauntlets.

HATHERSAGE. (St. Michael.)

In "N. and Q.," 5th series, vol. ii, p. 73, there is a record of the loss of the historic bow formerly in the church.

REPTON. (St. Wystan.)

There is now no armour in the church.

In the churchwarden's accounts is the following entry: "1590. A note of the armoure of Repton receaved into the handes of Rycharde Weatte, beyinge Counstable. In primis ij corsletts w^{th}. all that belongeth unto them—ij swordes iiij daggers and ij gyrdells—ij calevers w^{th}. flask & trige box—ij pryckes and ij halberds—for the Tr'bande souldiar— . . . a shiffe of arrowes and a quiver & a beawe."

1620. A notte of ye Towne armour—viz towe corslets, w^{th} towe pickes, one muskett, w^{th} bandde browes, w^{th} a Rolle & a Scowerer, towe calivers, one flask, & Trig boxe, six Head pieces, three of them with Cappes . . . a . . . for ye Mouldes . . . were delivered to Gilbt Browne, 4 sowrdes, three sowrdes with girdles & Hanggers the Sowldiers have in keepinge & ye fourthe sowrde in ye Constables keepinge w^{th}. two Daggers" (Bigsby "Repton," p. 147).

Cf. J. C. Cox, "Derbyshire Churches," iii, p. 439.

STAVELEY. (St. John the Baptist.)

The monument to Sir John Frecheville, ob. 1682, is still preserved.

Formerly there was hung over this monument "Pennon & streamer, spurs, gauntlets, helmet & crest with tassels of silk, bossed with gold; with all ye achievements of Sir P. Frecheville Kt who was knighted at Musselborow battle, in Scotland, great grandfather of John Lord Frecheville."

See J C. Cox, "Derbyshire Churches," i, p. 359.

WINGEWORTH. (All Saints.)

In 1816 there was hanging against the north wall of the chancel a sword, a helmet, and other pieces of armour.

There is now no armour in the church.

Cf. J. C. Cox, "Derbyshire Churches," iv, p. 488.


BICKLEIGH. (St. Mary.)

1. Helmet and gorget.

2. Gauntlets (now missing).

Tradition. These pieces are associated with the monument to Gamaliel Slanning, killed in a duel with Sir John Fitze of Fitzford, in 1599; but by some it is believed that they belonged to Nicholas, his son, killed at the siege of Bristol, 1643 (vide ante, Cornwall, St. Michael Caerhayes).

Cf. Thistleton Dyer, "Church Lore Gleanings," p. 66; "Devon Assoc. Trans.," 1887, W. Jones, "Slanning of Leye, Bickleigh, and Maristow"; "Devon and Cornwall N. and Q.," x, pt. ii, pp. 84, 175; xi, p. 92.