Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 5).djvu/307

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Denew, James. Catalogue of sale by, of ancient armour collected by Messrs. Davies and Isaac "during the last three years," on 13 April 1826, at 41 Craven Street, Strand.

Dennistoun, J. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino: illustrating the arms, arts, and literature of Italy from 1440 to 1630. 8vo, 3 vols. London, 1851.

Depping, G. B., ed. See Boileau, E.

Destrée, J. Les musées royaux à Bruxelles: armes et armures. Fol. Brussels, 1896.

Deters, F. Die englischen Angriffswaffen zur Zeit der Einführung der Feuerwaffen, 1300-50. pp. 150. Anglistische Forschungen Hft. 38. Heidelberg, 1913.

Devens, F. Das Deutsche Ross in der Geschichte, Sang und Sage. Illus., 40 pl. Leipzig [1899].

Diener-Schöneberg, Alfons. Die Waffen der Wartburg. Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Waffensammlung S. K. H. des Grosherzogs Wilhelm Ernst von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach. 78 col. pl., fol., pp. 195. Berlin, 1912.—Das Fürstliche Zeughaus zu Schwarzburg. Zeitschrift für Historische Waffenkunde IV. No. XI (1908), Dresden.

Dijon, Musée de. Catalogue historique et descriptif du musée de Dijon et de la collection Trimolet. 2 pts. 8vo. Dijon, 1883.

Dillon, Viscount. An Almain armourer's album: selections from an original MS. in the Victoria and Albert Museum. 35 pl., fol. London, 1905.—Illustrated Guide to the armouries, Tower of London. H.M. Stationery Office, 1910.—Arms and armour at Westminster, the Tower, and Greenwich, 1547. Archaeologia, LI (1888), pp. 219-280.—A letter of Sir Henry Lee, 1590, on the trial of iron for armour. Archaeologia, LI (1888), pp. 167-172.—The pasguard, garde de cou, brechrand, stoss-kragenor randt, and volant piece. Archaeological Journal, XLVI (1889), pp. 129-135, 433.—On the development of gun-locks, from examples in the Tower of London. 3 pl. Archaeological Journal, L (1891), pp. 115-132.—A sword of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, ibid., LI, p. 512.—An Elizabethan armourer's album. 4 pl. Archaeological Journal, LII (1895), pp. 113-128.—Feathers and plumes. Archaeological Journal, LIII (1896), pp. 126-139.—Tilting in Tudor times, Illus., 3 pl. Archaeological Journal, LV (1898), pp. 296-321.—Additional notes illustrative of tilting in Tudor times.—Archaeological Journal, LV (1898), pp. 329-339.—On a MS. collection of Ordinances of Chivalry of the fifteenth century, belonging to Lord Hastings. 5 pl. Archaeologia, LVII (1900), pp. 29-70. —Armour notes. 6 pl. Archaeological Journal, LX (1903), pp. 96-136.—Barriers and foot-combats. 9 pl. Archaeological Journal, LXI (1904), pp. 276-308.—Horse Armour. 6 pl. Archaeological Journal, LIX (1902), pp. 67-92.—Tilting Helm in the collection of Capt. H. Lindsay. Proceedings of the Soc. of Antiquaries (1900).—The Winchester Volume, 1845. Archaeological Journal, LXI (1904).—Armour in Wills. Archaeological Journal, LXII (1905), pp. 73-74.—Arms and Armour Abroad. Archaeological Journal, LXII (1905), pp. 67-72.—The besague or moton. 3 pl. Archaeological Journal LXIV (1907), pp. 15-23.—The feather staff.