Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/153

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Jeypore and Vizianagaram. The Sunnud-i-Milkeut-Istimrar was issued in the name 'Rajah Rayadappa Ranga Row, Zemindar of Bobbili,' and the files in my office clearly show that the Zemindars of Bobbili have, ever since our advent into the country, been always addressed with that title. This Zemindar has responded to my call and has submitted the originals of several letters addressed to his predecessors at different periods since the year 1807, in every one of which the title appears and contends that the fact that the title was in use so early is proof of its having been in vogue under the Mahomedan Government. He adds that many hereditary titles and other honours were conferred on his ancestor Rajah Lingappa Ranga Row*[1] third in the line, but that nothing of those times was left after the now historical battle of 1757, †[2] to which allusion will be made in para. 20 below.

  1. * Strictly second in the line.
  2. † Strictly 1758.