Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/162

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Albert Victor in 1889, and to His Imperial Highness the Czarevitch in 1891.

The late Maha-Rajah of Vizianagaram and the Rajah of Bobbili were in the habit of conversing on very friendly terms with each other whenever they happened to meet; but on the 1st March, 1891, the late Maha-Rajah of Vizianagaram all on a sudden called on the Rajah, who was luckily at home then in Madras. On the next day the Rajah returned his visit, and since then, and up to the demise of the late Maha-Rajah, they used to visit each other very often at Madras.

The Rajah paid his respects to H. E. Lord Lansdowne, the Viceroy, at Madras in 1892.

On the 29th August of the same year, the Rajah was blessed with a son, Sree Rajah Rama Kristna Ranga-Rao Bahadur, by his 3rd and the present wife.

As the mud ramparts of the Old Fort of Bobbili, which was the scene of so much havoc