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19th July, when the Duke said he remembered seeing the Rajah at Poona. They also went to the Garden Party at Marlborough House, given on the 5th July by H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, to have the honour of meeting H. M. the Queen. Lord Kimberley, the Secretary of State for India, kindly introduced the Rajah and his brother to H. R. H. the Duke of York at the Garden Party, given by Mr. and Lady Constance Shaw Lefevre, to meet the Duke and Princess Victoria May before they were married. H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, at the interview given on the 10th July to the Rajah and his brother, was pleased to say that he was glad to make their acquaintance, to which the Rajah replied that it was a great honour to them to be graciously allowed to pay him their loyal respects. The Rajah paid his most humble and loyal respects to H. M. the Queen-Empress on the 17th July at Windsor Castle. As this is the most important event in his tour in Europe, it seems well to quote here from the Rajah's Diary.