Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/197

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"Ladies, Gentlemen, and Residents of Bobbili Town and Samasthanam,—I thank you most sincerely for the address you have so kindly just now presented to me. The design of the casket is excellent, and it is really a souvenir of the occasion. I am also very glad to observe that you quoted in the address the very words kindly expressed by the last and present Governors of our Presidency, though you have flattered me to some extent. You said you purposely abstained from making any request on this occasion, fully believing, I suppose, that I would do something in memory of this event. When I was thinking over what it would be a proper thing to undertake, my wife, the Maha-Rani, requested me to associate her name with any institution I would propose to give you. To meet the double purpose I cannot undertake any other one than to provide you with the Maha-Rani Caste Girls' School. Gentlemen, you are all aware there are Caste Girls' Schools, even maintained by