Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/211

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Amendment Bill was first introduced into the Council and he gave his support to the Bill.

In October Mr. W. B. Ayling unveiled the life-size oil-painting picture of Her late Majesty at the Victoria Town Hall, Bobbili. It was painted in London and was presented by the Maharajah in memory of Her late Majesty's Diamond Jubilee. The Hall was crowded, and a salute of 31 guns was fired when the curtain was withdrawn. He also presented a silver-plated Gajavahanam to Venugopalaswami of the local temple in memory of the occasion of his being honoured with the title Maharajah by the Government.

At the request of the people, the Maharajah opened the Tandra Papaya Hall, which was built by public subscriptions in memory of Tandra Papaya, the famous hero of the Bobbili Battle of 1758.



The Maharajah paid an official visit to H. E. Lord Ampthill at Madras. The Court of