Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/220

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The Maharajah could not attend the Investiture ceremony on account of indisposition. But he went one day to the Durbar Pavilion to see the Assault-at-arms and also attended the Review of Retainers of Native Chiefs.

He left Delhi on the 8th January, spent a day at Puri and returned to Bobbili on the 11th of that month.

In connection with the letter of congratulation on the occasion of the Coronation of His Majesty the King Emperor which was signed by all the Representatives who were present at the Coronation, the Maharajah received the following reply:—

No. 560.

Home Department.


Calcutta, the 25th February, 1903.


"I am directed to say that the Government of India have received intimation from the