Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/239

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No. 2 Carriage.

His Highness the Rajah of Puducottai and his suite.

Escorted by a Non-commissioned Officer and three Sowars of the 30th Lancers.

No. 3 Carriage.

The Nawab of Banganapalle and his suite.

Escorted by two Sowars of the Detachment of the 30th Lancers, supernumerary to His Excellency's Body Guard.

No. 4 Carriage.

The Rajah of Sandur and his suite.

Escorted by two Sowars of the Detachment of the 30th Lancers, supernumerary to His Excellency's Body Guard.

No. 5 Carriage.

The Chief Justice of Madras.

The Bishop of Madras.

The Domestic Chaplain to the Bishop.

No. 6 Carriage.

The Members of Council.