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them they have "washed their hands in innocency," against them all it "lifts up its voice;" within its holy precincts they cannot enter. I have given a reason why the interior of the church was remodelled, and the like reason may be presumed why before very long some alteration should be made to the outside appearance of the building, for it presents anything else than an inviting one. We are in hope that not many months more and the appearance of the entire superstructure will be changed, but not by any of the trappings above alluded to; only from Christian principles will it be attempted. The remodelling of the inside being completed the place was dedicated to the service of God on the seventh of May, 1854. Rev. R. Happerset preached the opening sermon in the morning. Dr. Joseph H. Jones preached in the afternoon. Both were listened to by large congregations.

The next course for the further interest of the Church, and, we hope, for the glorious extension of our Redeemer's kingdom, was to call a minister to take the pastoral oversight of the church; consequently, at a meeting of the session, held March the 20th, 1855, Dr. Joseph H. Jones, Moderator, it was agreed that a congregational meeting should be held on Friday evening, the 23d inst., for the call of a pastor. Said meeting was held, when the Rev. Wm. T. Catto was nominated and elected; the call was made out and presented to Presbytery, of which the pastor elect was a member; the call being accepted, Presbytery appointed the 22d April as the time of installation, Dr. Lewis Cheeseman to preach the sermon, Dr. Joseph H. Jones to deliver the charge to the people, Dr. Henry Steele Clark the charge to the pastor, all of which was done. The