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watchings of his own mother, wittingly introduced as a nurse, his education perfected, through the king's daughter, and that education a liberal and finished one, are surely very remarkable. Then consider his meekness, the softness of manners, the inflexible integrity of his heart, his great firmness, his courage and boldness, his deep love for his people, and his faith in God, are so many proofs by which we conclude the man was fitted for the work. It does not require much insight into human affairs to determine that the above traits of character must exist in a man who would lead in a measure of importance. The rise of empires, kingdoms, and republics are proofs in point. It requires a stout heart, strong arms, and much firmness to grasp the helm of affairs and steer forward amid dangers and liabilities until success shall crown the effort.

Arrived at the age of manhood, God informs Moses that he is chosen as a leader of his people. The subsequent message to King Pharaoh; the wonderful things done by God to bring the king to his senses in order to restore the people their liberty, to undo their heavy burdens, &c, you are informed of, and how faithfully their leader performed his duty. You have knowledge of their final departure from Egypt to a land of freedom, the land of Canaan, where they could worship God under their own vine and fig-tree, none to molest or make them afraid, and we can well imagine what their hopes and anticipations were when they found their journey toward the promised land really begun, as in their tribes and families they take up the line of march.

During their journey Moses, at the command of God, caused the people to turn in before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, &c., and there encamp themselves. It was during this encampment that Pharaoh regretted