Page:A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu/17

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State of New-York, ss.

On this sixteenth day of February, 1801, before me personally came, Peter Williams and Francis Jacobs, to me known to be the persons within described, and who executed the within conveyance, who duly acknowledged the same—and there being no material erasures or inter-lineations therein, I do allow it to be recorded.

(signed)JAMES M. HUGHES,

Master in Chancery.

Recorded in the office of the Clerk of the city and county of New-York, in Lib. No. I, of Record of Incorporation of Religious Denominations, page 28, this ninth day of March, 1801. Examined by

(signed) ROBERT BENSON, Clerk.


Made the sixth day of April, 1801, between the Rev. John McClaskey, in behalf of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the United States of America, of the one part, and the Trustees of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, in the city of New-York, of the other part, sheweth, for themselves and their successors in office:

article i.

It is provided and declared that the style and title of this Corporation shall be the "The African Methodist Episcopal Church of the city of New- York, in the state of New York," and shall consist of Francis Jacobs, George