Page:A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu/49

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The committee appointed to form a Discipline, met on Monday evening, September 4th, at the residence of William Miller, in Mulberry Street, but did not do much. They determined on the title, viz., "The Doctrines and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America;" they also resolved to call to their assistance John Dungy and Abraham Thompson, and to meet the following Wednesday night, at the same place. They hoped that Father Thompson would be better satisfied, by his being on the committee to form or select the Discipline, as he seemed to be yet somewhat wavering; and they also requested George Collins to draw up a preamble for the said Discipline.

At a regular monthly meeting of the Trustees, held at William Brown's, on Tuesday night, September 5th, they were found to be rather disunited. Some were inclined to unite with Richard Allen, and the others for establishing a church government of our own, and a letter was read, which was sent to them by Richard Allen, directed to William Brown, advising them to agree upon joining his connexion; but there was very little said about it notwithstanding.

The Discipline committee resumed their operation ac- cording to adjournment. They inspected the preamble, drawn up by George Collins, according to their request, and adopted it; they then proceeded to make the necessary selections for that purpose, and on Tuesday night, September 26th, 1820, they completed their selections and left the manuscript with George Collins, to be