Page:A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu/72

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themselves from us, and forming themselves under a distinct title, as an independent body. This course is the more to be regretted, because it places them in a position which the constitution of our church cannot cover. Your committee conceive that the primary object contemplated in the memorial and accompanying documents, lies beyond the limits of the constitutional powers of an annual Conference. To organize a Conference subject to the order and discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, is the prerogative of the General Conference alone. An annual Conference, or Conferences, therefore, cannot organize even such a Conference, much less one acting under a distinct discipline and independent authority. In this view of the subject your committee are of opinion, that the African Conference, specified in the memorial, cannot be constitutionally organized or adopted ; that it would not be advisable for our Bishops, or any one appointed by them, officially to preside at said Conference, or to ordain any Deacon or Elder elected by them. But, although we judge it inexpedient to prostrate the constitution and government of the church to accommodate any case whatever, firmly believing the evil would ultimately over-balance any good which might be supposed to result from it, we consider the condition of the Africans such as to demand every prudent exertion within our power to recover them from their wandering, and preserve them in the confidence and communion of the church. Your committee, therefore, recommend the adoption of the following Resolutions:

Resolved 1st, That if the African brethren, who have