Page:A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu/83

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time to time; also, to secure to him a compensation for his extra service and expense attending the same, and also for the time and place of meeting the aforesaid Conferences, in order to suit the conveniency of said Bishop, and not too laborious or expensive for the African Preacher's attendance.

5th, That the members, particularly of Zion Church, are sorry to see and hear of so much division among the people called Methodist, and especially the divisions and sub-divisions among their African brethren of this name. They believe that unhappy divisions among their African brethren will continue to exist, unless there is another permanent African Methodist connexion formed, besides that of our brother Richard Allen's. They have great reason to expect that an establishment, in the foregoing manner, would be the most likely means of uniting all their African Methodist brethren into one solid body in time, and so prevent the unhappy feeling now existing between families, friends and brethren.

6th, That if the foregoing items are thought to be impracticable by the Bishops and Conferences of the mother church, we shall be under the necessity of procuring the means of ordination otherwise, in the best possible manner; but without the least intention of opposition to the interest of our white brethren, as the unity of the aforesaid societies depend on our obtaining ordination for our Preachers this summer, if possible, and thereby become established, according to our selected Discipline, which