Page:A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu/87

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Newark, and on Monday, April 7th, 1823, the corner stone of a Meeting-house was laid, at that place, and arrangements made to build a house of worship, forty feet long and thirty feet wide.

On Wednesday, the 21st of May, 1823, the Third Yearly Conference commenced in the city of New-York. The Preachers that attended were, James Varick, Superintendent; Abraham Thompson, Christopher Rush, Ja's Smith, Samuel Bird, Timothy Eatto, Peter Vanhas, William Carman, George Tredwell and James Anderson.

In consequence of a dissatisfaction amongst the official members of the Wesleyan Church, in Philadelphia, which took place soon after the extra Conference, none of their Preachers attended this third Conference. They had an an agreeable time, and the Conference closed the following Monday. George Tredwell, a young Preacher from Long Island, was received at the meeting, on trial. Samuel Bird, Timothy Eatto and Peter Vanhas were ordained Deacons. Leven Smith was appointed to the charge of the society in New-York, but was allowed to go on to Providence and other places eastward, if he thought proper, for a few months, and in that case James Smith was to fill his place until his return. James Anderson was continued at New-Haven, embracing a small society of twenty-one members at Middletown, which he reported having been joined together within the last year. William Carman was continued on Long Island, and