Page:A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu/95

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Henry Draton, David Blake, Adam Ford, Daniel Vandevier, Francis P. Graham, John Lewis, and George Garnett.

May 18th, 1833, the Thirteenth Yearly Conference took place in the city of New-York. The persons who attended were as follows, viz.

Elders—Christopher Rush, Superintendent; William Miller, Jacob Matthews, Peter Vanhas, Leven Smith, Henry Draton, Timothy Eatto, Henry Johnson, George Tredwell, Jehiel C. Beman, and William Carman—11.

Deacons—James Simmons, William H. Bishop, John W. Lewis, Hosea Easton, George Garnett, John W Robinson, and George Matthews—7.

Preachers—Adam Ford, David Blake, Daniel Vandevier, William Fuller, and John Williams—5. Total, 23. John W Robinson, George Matthews, John Williams, and John Tappen, were received on trial.

Having given, in the best manner we could, a short sketch of the Rise and Progress of our Zion Church, and of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America, down to this date, we are under the necessity of closing our scanty narration, in consequence of the want of mat-