Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/158

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A Short History of Nursing

142 A Short History of Nursing REFERENCES Nutting and Dock. History of Nursing. Vol. ii., Chaps, III.- VIII. Cook. Life of Florence Nightingale. Two volumes. Abbott. Florence Nightingale as Seen in her Portraits. Nightingale. Notes on Nursing and Other Writings. Jones. Memorials of Agnes Elizabeth Jones, by her Sister, Rathbone, E. F. William Rathbone. 1905. MozANS. Women in Science. Chap. I., pages 100-105; Chap. VIII., pages 300-308. Berdoe. Origin and Growth of the Healing Art. Book VI., Chaps. I.-III. Wrench. Lord Lister — his Life and Work. WiLLERy-Radot. Life of Pasteur. Saleeby. Surgery and Society. LocY. Biology and its Makers. Chap. XIII. Lee. Scientific Features of Modern Medicine. Chaps. II., III. EncyclopcBdia Britannica. "Medicine." Vol. XVIII., page 53. "Surgery." Vol. XXVI., page 129. "Charity." Vol. V., page 884. Henley. In the Hospital. Sedgwick. Sanitary Science and Public Health. Chap. II.. pages 32-45- Barton. The Red Cross. Boardman. Under the Red Cross Flag.