Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/182

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A Short History of Nursing

1 66 A Short History of Nursing automatically into the National Society which in 1912 changed its name to the American Nurses' Association. The process has been natural, obvi- ous, and irresistible. The American Nurses' Association is to the nurse what the American Medical Association is to the physician. It is our chief nursing The American Organization, of which all others are Nurses' branches or with which they are Association affiliated. As at present constituted (1920) it is composed of all state associations that are organized — forty- six in number. It has also one territorial associ- ation as a member, — Hawaii. Other territorial associations under the jurisdiction of the United States will be admitted as they become eligible and desire to affiliate. Every state association carries with it into the American Nurses' Association every nurse who is a member of it, whether directly or through some district or alumnae association. The ideal plan, and that followed in most of the states is this: The state is divided into districts leaving no part uncovered. Each district association is composed of all the alumnae associations within its territory and all the scattered nurses who are ^aduates of schools outside the district, that is, all who meet