Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/206

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A Short History of Nursing

190 A Short History of Nursing logical and pathological laboratories, and in the new field of laboratory work in the study of Scientific metabolism. There is, also, a tenden- and technical cy to give to the nurse some of the ^^^^ hospital duties formerly assigned to the interne, as, the giving of anaesthetics, keeping of records, and other clinical ward work. Nurses were pioneers in developing this branch of treatment. It arose first in hospitals for mental Occupation cases, and spread to those of other therapy types. Susan Tracy was one of the first to emphasize the need of occupation for patients, and she began to train nurses on such lines in the Adams Nervine Hospital, Jamaica Plains. Teachers in this specialty, called occupation aids, were used extensively in military hospitals during the late war, and the work is extending. Teachers of oc- cupation are not necessarily nurses, but nurses may well, and sometimes do, specialize in this field. We have seen that in early times hospitals re- ceived not only the sick, but all classes of depend- ents and the afflicted, and that a Special hos- pitals and gradual process took place, separating related insti- these varied classes. A high degree tutions of specialization obtains today, as we shall see. The earliest specializing separated different