Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/224

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A Short History of Nursing

2o8 A Short History of Nursing fessional scale. It was found by Miss Crowell that, while often skilful, she was seldom clean, and was frequently immoral, and sold her knowledge to produce abortion. The intimate relation of the midwife to the question of health preservation was, therefore, clear, and, estimated by the importance of maternity, it became a problem of racial dimen- sions. While it was recognized that, for our coun- try, the ideal arrangement to work for was the physician and nurse together in obstetrical cases, nevertheless it was held by social workers, notably those interested in the prevention of blindness, and many visiting nurses, that proper training and supervision of midwives should be provided, and a beginning was finally made in New York City on these lines. A world-wide revolt against prostitution and its accompaniment of venereal disease has been nental system," began with the consecration of Josephine Butler (i 828-1 906) and her co-workers to this task, in the sixties. We have only space here to impress our readers with the importance of reading fully the history of that crusade. It is against venereal disease Campaign slowly gathering momentum for more than a half century. An organized and intense crusade against that "reg- ulation" of vice known as the "Conti-