Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/241

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A Short History of Nursing

Extensions of Nursing Field 225 has gone ahead rapidly in the last two or three years, but there is still great difficulty in securing enough nurses of the type needed. Such work, it may be readily seen, requires an "all-around" worker of rare gifts and complete equipment. REFERENCES Nutting and Dock. History of Nursing. Vol. iii., Chap. II. RoBB. Educational Standards. RoBB. Nursing Ethics. Tiffany. Life of Dorothea Dix. Gardiner. Public Health Nursing. Waters. Visiting Nursing in the United States. Wald. The House on Henry Street. La Motte. Tuberculosis Nursing. De Witt. The Private Nurse. Wright. Industrial Nursing. Crowell. Tuberculosis Dispensary Method and Procedure. GoLDMARK. Fatigue and Efficiency. Cannon. Social Work in Hospitals. DuNTON. Occupational Therapy. Cabot. Social Service and the Art of Healing. Price. Hygiene and Sanitation for Nurses, Hygiene and Public Health. Hill. Hygiene for Public Health Nurses. Struthers. School Nursing. Hedger. The Well Baby Primer. Flexner. Prostitution. Dock. Hygiene and Morality. Parsons. Nursing Problems and Obligations. Nutting. Educational Status of Nursing. Reports of National League of Nursing Education. Back Files of A merican Journal of Nursing. Public Health Nurse Quarterly. British Journal of Nursing, etc. Proceedings of Jubilee Congress of District Nursing at Liverpool, 1909. Publications of the Children's Bureau, Committee on Blindness, etc. IS