Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/245

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A Short History of Nursing

Educational Developments 229 "Clinical Instructor in Nursing" and was given a place on the committee appointed by the regents to look after the instruction of the student nurses. There was thus some recognition of the responsibil- ity of the university for the education of nurses, even though the usual standards of admission, teaching, etc., were not materially improved. The first group of nurses to be accepted as regu- lar students of a university were not pupils, but graduates. Following the presenta- First real tion of a paper by Mrs. Robb before university the Superintendents' Society in 1898 a nurses es- committee was appointed to consider tablished in ways and means of securing some Teachers College, special training for nurses wishing to Columbia prepare themselves as superintendents University, of nursing schools and teachers of nurses. Mrs. Robb was made chairman of this committee with Miss Nutting, Miss Walker, Miss Davis, Miss Banfield, and Miss Richards as members. After some investigation among educational institutions, they found in Teachers College the most promising opportunities for the beginning of such an experiment, and in Dean Russell a man of unusually liberal spirit who, impressed by their earnestness, and with some vision of the possibili-