Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/248

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A Short History of Nursing

232 A Short History of Nursing endowment in America for nursing education. The name of the department was changed at this time to Nursing and Health, indicating the wider scope of the work, which was now to include the training of nurse teachers for homes and communi- ties as well as for hospitals. From this time on, there has been marked progress in all branches of the department's work. The field of instruction as distinct from that of administration in training schools, began to be developed about 1910, and from this time on, a rapidly increasing group of young women were prepared and sent out as instructors. In addition to general visiting nurses, provision was made for the training of rural nurses, school nurses, and later, industrial and hospital social service nurses. Practical field experience was arranged in connec- tion with Henry Street NursQs' Settlement, and other public health organizations in New York. In 1 91 7, a few courses were opened up to senior pupil nurses from selected hospitals who wished to prepare for public health work, and who were re- ceiving their practical training in the Henry Street Settlement. The affiliation with the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing will be described later. The Department of Nursing and Health has