Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/253

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A Short History of Nursing

Educational Developments 237 sities, among them, California, Iowa, Western Reserve, and Cincinnati. While these emergency courses undoubtedly proved very helpful during the war in assisting the hospitals to recruit and train college women for service as nurses, they are not likely to prove as satisfactory for the average student as the type of course described below, which has developed from the original idea of the college preparatory course. The University of Minnesota was the first to put the school of nursing connected with its uni- versity hospital on a dignified standing Schools of as a professional school of the university. nursing as 1,1 professional ihis advanced step was largely due to schools of the efforts of Dr. Richard Olding Beard, universities of the Medical College Faculty, who had always been deeply sympathetic with nurses' efforts to improve their training and who in a significant paper read at the American Nurses' Convention, in St. Paul, had fully set forth the reasons why nursing should become an integral part of the uni- versity scheme of education. In 1909 the School of Nursing in Minnesota was organized and placed under the dean of the college of medicine and surgery but with its own head, the superintendent of the school for nurses who was appointed a member of the faculty of the medical