Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/318

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A Short History of Nursing

302 A Short History of Nursing hospital work, was the problem of home hygiene and community health conservation. This is the real mission work that will have to be carried on by young native missioners of health. A number of Filipino nurses have been sent by their government to take postgraduate courses in American hospitals, where they have shown them- selves intelligent and competent nurses. A few have also taken courses at Teachers College, pre- paring themselves to go back to the Philippines to help in developing educational and public health nursing work. The most mysterious ancient civilization now surviving in the family of nations is that of China. Countries often said that all modern inven- where nurs- tions and scientific discoveries were mg systems j^j^^^j^ forgotten by ancient China. are in the ° formative Today a modern China is growing up, stage. Chma passing through the first stages of one of the most remarkable political revolutions the world has ever seen. Following on this is coming fast the new social-revolutionary changes, with an altered position of women and all that that implies. We noted in an earlier chapter that there were no traces of nursing in ancient Chinese writings. This may have been due to the theory of demon-