Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/399

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A Short History of Nursing

INDEX A Abelard, 84 Administration of training schools, 188 Affiliation between training schools, 164 Agnes, St. John Order, 61 Agnes, Karll, 285 Aids, nurses, 315 Allerton, Eva, 174 Alline, Anna L., 175, 230 All Saints Sisters, Baltimore, 148 Amalia Sieveking, 105 America, nursing in, 143 American Indian nurses, 173 American Negro nurses, 1 72 American Nurses Association, the, 166 American Red Cross reorgan- ized, 177 American Society of Super- intendents of Training Schools, 162 Anne of Bohemia, 80 Apollo, 30 Appendix I. Historical out- line, 373 Appendix II. Pledges, 379 Arabian medicine, 67 Arabian hospitals, 67, 68 Army Nurse Corps, the, of United States, 177 Army Nursing Service, Great Britain, 256 Army School of Nursing, 318 Army Nursing, Sisters of Char- ity in, loi Asceticism, 51 Asklepiades, 32 Asklepios, 30; family of, 31 Assistance publique of Paris, the, 288 Assistants in hospitals, 189 Associated Alumnae of Train- ing Schools for nurses, the, 165 Australia, historical outline, 267 Australian nursing journals, 268 Australian nursing rank, 32 1 Austrian hospitals, 287 Ayur-Veda, the, 25 B Babylon and Assyria, super- stitions in, 23, 24 Barber surgeons, 84 Barnes, Dora M., 244 Barton, Clara, 138, 176 Basilias, 54; Basil, St., 54 Baxter, Grace, 297 Beard, Dr. R. O., 237 Bedlam, 213 B^guinages, 76 B6guines, the, 75 Belgium, nursing in, 299 Bell, 114 Bellevue hospital, 144, 152 Benedictine rule, 49 Bernard, St., 80 Bertheau, Caroline, 108 Berthgythe, 50 Billings, Dr. J. S., 162 383