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A Short History of Nursing

58 A Short History of Nursing teries for instruction, but this was discouraged also. These decrees were not, indeed, universally obeyed, and medical monks practised clandes- tinely; nevertheless the general effect of monas- ticism on medicine was repressive, and not until different influences came to bear did the medical art enjoy a revival. In the thirteenth century, the Emperor Frederick granted permits to dissect. REFERENCES Nutting and Dock. History of Nursing. Vol. i.. Part II., Chap. I. Robinson and Breasted. Outlines oj European History. Chap. XI., pages 16-296. Encyclopaedia Britannica. " Middle Ages. " Vol. xviii., page 409. "Monasticism." Vol, xviii., page 687. "Asceticism." Vol. ii., page 717. "Charity." Vol. v., Part V., page 874. The Bible. New Testament. Matthew viii., 2-16; ix., 20- 24, 28-30, 32; Luke X., 30-37; First Tim. v., 9-12; Romans xvi., I, 2, 12; First Cor. vii., 8, 38. TuKER and Malleson. Handbook to Christian and Ecclesiastical Rome. Part III., Chaps. I. and II. Bancroft, Deaconesses in Europe. Chaps. I. and II. Jerome's Letters. Letters CVIIL, LXXVIIL, and CXXVII. Putnam. The Lady. Pages 39-105. MozANS. Women in Science. Chap. I., pages 32-54; Chap. VIII., pages 277-281. Eckenstein. Women under Monasticism. Chap. VIII. GooDSELL. The Family. Chap. VI. WiTHiNGTON. Medical History. Chaps. XXIV.-XXVII. Berdoe. Origin and Growth of the Healing Art. Book IV., Chaps. I.-III. White. Warfare of Science and Theology. Vol. ii.. Chaps. XIII.- XVI. Loch. Charity and Social Life. Chaps. XV.-XXIII. Lecky. History of European Morals. Vol. ii., Chaps. I. and IV. Lawrence. Primitive Psycho-Therapy and Quackery.