Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/85

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A Short History of Nursing

Military Influences 69 these universities and were recognized everywhere in Europe as the ablest of physicians. Two of the most distinguished Arabian medical scientists were Avicenna (eleventh century) who translated Aris- totle and was the author of standard medical works, and Averroes (twelfth century) of Cordova. The time came when the Saracens were driven from Europe, but they left an imperishable con- tribution in their beautiful architecture and their love of learning. REFERENCES Nutting and Dock. History of Nursing. Vol. i., Part 2, Chaps. IV., VI., VIII. Robinson and Breasted. Outlines 0} European History. Chap. XIX. Encyclopcedia Britannica. ' ' St. John — Knights of order of. " Vol. xxiv., page 12. "Medicine." Vol. xviii., page 45. "Sur- gery." Vol. xxvi., page 127. "Hospital." Vol. xiii., page 791. Lacroix. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages. Pages 104-135, 172-202. TuKER and Malleson. Handbook to Christian and Ecclesiastical Rome. Pages 227-244. Putnam. The Lady. Pages 106-157. MozANS. Women in Science. Chapter VIII., pages 274-276. GooDSELL. The Family. Chap. VII., pages 206-215, 223-233. WiTHiNGTON. Medical History. Chaps. XXVIII.-XXXIII. Berdoe. Origin and Growth of the Healing Art. Book IV., Chap. 11.