Page:A simplified grammar of the Polish language.djvu/22

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N. dobrzy dobre dobre
G. dobrych dobrych dobrych
D. dobrym dobrym dobrym
A. dobrych dobre dobre
V. dobrzy dobre dobre
I. dobrymi dobrémi dobrémi
L. dobrych dobrych dobrych

There are, however, certain adjectives which end in a consonant in the masculine, and o in the neuter, such as

rad, ‘pleased,’ rada, rado;
sam, ‘alone,’ sama, samo;
wszystek, ‘all,’ wszystka, wszystko.

Sometimes the adjective assumes an apocopated form as in Russian, especially when it is used as a predicate, as

koń laskawy, ‘a quiet horse.’
król jest laskaw na mnie, ‘the king is favourable to me.’

Małecki and Miklosich have shown that the termination of the adjectives -y, -a, -e really are demonstrative pronouns. (Małecki, i. 235.) So also pokarm zdrowy, ‘healthy food;’ mój ojciec zdrów, ‘my father is healthy.’

Adjectives like rad, sam and wszystek are really in their original form, and they have not had the suffix added to them.

Terminations of Adjectives.

The following terminations of adjectives are deserving of notice. Many are of necessity omitted, from want of space.