Page:A simplified grammar of the Roumanian language.djvu/18

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which the passage from e to é and from o to ó are time honoured.

d, s, t.

D, s, and t, at the end of words to which an ĭ has been affixed, change respectively into , ș, and ț:

eŭ cred, ‘I believe;’ tu creḑĭ.
brad, ‘fir-tree;’ braḑĭ.
eŭ cos, ‘I sew;’ tu coșĭ.
eŭ socot, ‘I think;’ tu socoțĭ, etc.

If the word ends in st, the s alone undergoes modification:

acest, ‘this;’ aceștĭ, ‘these.’
onest, ‘honest;’ oneștĭ (plural).

With verbs this change occurs sometimes before u, ĕ, i:

eŭ vĕd, ‘I see;’ eŭ vĕḑuĭ, ‘I saw.’
vĕḑĕnd, ‘seeing;’ etc.

Euphony occasionally requires that certain letters should be (1) omitted from, (2) interpolated in, or (3) affixed to a word:

(1) cale, ‘road;’ căĭ (plural for că).
(1)  vițel, ‘calf;’ vițeĭ (plur. f. vițe).
eŭ vin, ‘I come;’ tu viĭ, ‘thou comest;’ for tu vi.
tu saĭ, ‘thou leapest;’ for tu sa, etc.
(2) omuluĭ, ‘to the man;’ for omluĭ.
(2)  veniuar, ‘should he come;’ for veniar.


(3) îmĭ vine reŭ, ‘I feel ill;’ for mi vine reŭ.