Page:A simplified grammar of the Swedish language.djvu/19

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The Swedish alphabet consists of the following twenty-eight letters (Bokstäfver) :—

A, called ah, pronounced like a in father.
B " bey " as in English.
C " sey " in genuine Swedish words like k before a, o, u; and like s in words of foreign origin and when it stands before e, i, ä and y.
D " dey " as in English.
E " eh " like ai in laid, and like e in felt.
F " eff " generally as in English, but like v at the end of words. It represents ph and φ.
G " yay " like hard English g before l, r, t, a, o and u; like English y before e, j, ä, ö, y; before n it may take, with that letter, the sound of en, Fr.