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thing new. He held her slim gloved hand in his, and he felt the light pressure of her fingers as she said quickly, in a low voice:

"I sha'n't forget your goodness to me. I hope we shall meet again."

"I hope so too," answered Farebrother, laughing.

The extreme cheeriness of his tone grated upon Letty. She tried to withdraw her hand, but Farebrother held on to it stoutly. A change, too, came over him. His bright, strong face grew tender, and he looked at Letty with a glance so piercing that it forced her to meet his gaze and then forced her to drop her eyes.

"We shall meet again, and soon, if I can compass it; and meanwhile, will you promise not to forget me?"

A hubbub of talk had been around them. The tramp of the last belated ones hurrying across the gang-plank, and the screaming of the whistle made a commotion that drowned their voices except for each other.

"I promise," said Letty, her heart beginning to beat and her cheeks to flush.

She was very emotional and she was conscious that her eyes were filling with tears