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enjoyed anything more in my life. You had more actual, substantial fun in spending that money than my sisters have out of so many thousands."

"But I think," remarked the astute Letty, "that it is more the way we show it. Your sisters are used to money—"

"That 's it—and so it is as necessary to them as the air we breathe—but as we breathe air all the time, we are not conscious of any ecstatic bliss in doing it."

"Perhaps—but, you see, I am bent on enjoyment, and I am bent on showing it as well as feeling it."

"In short, you are a very wise girl," said Farebrother, smiling, "and I think it is a pity that you are so determined on never bestowing so much wisdom and cheerfulness on some man or other."

"I have never said I would n't."

"Oh, not in words perhaps, but I imagine a fixed determination on your part to hold on to your liberty. You may, however, succumb to the charms of Sir Archy Corbin, of Fox Court."

Farebrother emphasized the "Sir" and the "Fox Court" in a way that Letty thought