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gan upon a flippant subject which she thought would let Farebrother see that the parting was as little to her as to him.

"When I get to New York I shall have some money of my own to spend, and I have been wondering what I shall do with it," she said, gravely.

"I am glad to see you appreciate your responsibilities," answered Farebrother.

"Now I know you are making fun of me," said Letty, calmly. "But I don't mind. In the first place, I would like to buy two stained glass windows for the church which you miserable Yankees wrecked during the war. Have you any idea of the price of stained glass windows?"

"I think they run from fifteen dollars up to twenty or thirty thousand."

"I should n't get a thirty thousand dollar one, at all events. Then I must have a complete new riding outfit for myself. This comes of going to Newport. Before that I thought my riding-skirt, saddle, and bridle quite good enough, but now I yearn for a tailor made habit and all the etceteras. How much do you think that will cost? However, it's not worth while to ask you, for you would n't be