Page:A synopsis of the diseases of the eye, and their treatment - to which are prefixed, a short anatomical description and a sketch of the physiology of that organ (IA synopsisofdiseas1821trav).pdf/11

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Tur Volume which I now present to the Public, is the result of a more ample op- portunity of observing the diseases of the important organ of which it treats, than commonly falls to the lot of Hospital Sur- geons. This opporturnity, originally de- rived from my situation during a period of seven years, as Surgeon to the London Infirmary for Discases of the Eye, has been considerably augmented by private practice in the same branch of the Profes- sion, contingent to that appointment.

I have always thought that the ad- vantages obtained by the subdivision of professional talent and labor, are infinitely everbalanced by those which arise from the general and undivided application of these instruments of knowledge. ‘No fact �