Page:A thousand years hence. Being personal experiences (IA thousandyearshen00gree).djvu/254

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circumscribing the Church in her divinely appointed domain of morals and religion, and denying her right, as the superior authority, to define the line which should separate the inferior secular power. Not only all over the world, but even in our own holy city St. Brigham, Roman, Greek, Anglican, miscellaneous Protestant, and countless other religious errors, are freely permitted to be taught, to the great distress of our loving heart, which would have all to be saved, and even by force if necessary, through Mormon truth. Then, again, there is an accursed so-called "liberal" element in our midst—a camp of traitors, whom the Church, but for the yearnings of her too loving heart even over disobedient and rebellious children, would and should have long ago expelled. Would not the political vote, which the Church could command, if all her members were but faithful, have long ago rectified many of her wrongs? Withal, however, the Church had also

Its Triumphs.

He would first turn to the divinely inspired infallibility of the earthly head of the Church, the prophet, priest, and revelator, who alone received Heaven's instructions. When profane objectors outside asked how the successors to our holy and blessed but fallible Joseph were infallible and therefore greater than their original, we easily answered such theological error and confusion by the plain statement that "the infallibility of the successor of Joseph is a tradition from the beginning of the Mormon faith." And when it was again helplessly asked from outside how all this could be known, we were promptly ready