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equally pervading Scripture with the dogmatic, and demanding equal consideration. To all, therefore, whose life and conduct had been worthy, the impartial Judge would say, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into that higher and more enduring life, for which thou, whilst on earth, hast so diligently qualified." Besides, added Reed, those worthy people will have such a sheepish look when that unexpected day comes upon them, that it will be impossible to mistake them for goats.

This discussion proved all the more interesting to us at the time, as occurring simultaneously with the expression of a very different view on the same subject from a right reverend prelate of our Church, who had once more nailed the red flag to the mast, in declaring that Plume and Voltaire would now be experiencing that eternity and eternal fire, which, while in this life, they had ventured to disbelieve.

Gray and Mormonism.

Another active and intelligent member of our society was my foreman, Gray. For business purposes there could be no better man. But Gray was a zealous Mormon, having been converted by a mission of that persuasion some years before. His wife, although disliking the Mormonism for more reasons than one, yet admitted that the conversion had given herself a better husband, and her children a better father. When my offended wife would have had me turn him off forthwith, I explained that certainly that orthodox course meant a reduced credit at the year's profit and loss account, and consequently reduced possi-