Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume II.djvu/149

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probably co-eval with the creation of the county of Lancaster into a Palatinate, which, you know, was done by Edward III. who, on the demise of the first Duke of Lancaster (made so by himself) gave the title to his fourth son John of Gaunt, ad- vancing the county at the same time to the above- mentioned dignity. Henry of Bolingbroke, (after- wards Henry IV.) son of John of Gaunt, succeeded his father in the dukedom of Lancaster, and aware of the importance of the duchy, secured, 1)}- the authority of Parliament, to his heirs for ever this great fief with all its rights, privileges, honours, and demesnes; which were extended, in the next reign, by the annexation of all the great estates of Henry Vth's mother, who was daughter and co- heiress of Humphrey Bohun Earl of Hereford. From this time it has subsisted in the crown, as a separate possession belonging to our monarchs. A regulation subsists here respecting the markets, held every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, ad- mirably adapted to prevent those crying evils, which are as universally felt as the}' are deplored rcgrating ami forestalling; and at the same time, ensuring to the inhabitants of the town the princi- pal advantages of their own markets. I he time of selling begins at eight o'clock, from which till nine no person, unless he be an inhabitant oi

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